Monday, December 12, 2011

Geologic time - Brandon


At the Jurassic period the earth was still together forming Pangaea. their was abundance of dinosaurs. Their was also life of plants. at the end of the jurassic period their was minor mass of extinction.

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What did you enjoy most about this project?

  • I enjoy about this project was to build up the video.

What was the most challenging thing about this project? why?

  •   The most challenging thing of this project was to get all the information so when people watch your video they other stand. 

What you change about this project and why?

  • I wouldn't change anything because its a really well organise project were you are independent or work with a group.

What are 3 thing that you learn from this project?

  • I learn many periods o that earth went through 
  • I also learn that the earth was on hole continent 
  • I learn that their was many life before the man, and that theirs still animals that haven't extinct yet, like sharks and rays

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What's a star?

What's a star?
A star is a ball made up of hot air and gas.

Types of stars.
Theirs many different types of stars for example theirs the; super giants, the giants, the white dwarfs and the main sequence that has the rest of different stars.

H-R diagram.
  Stars have sections to determinate their characteristics, their color, temperature, luminosity, massive/size,and type. their energy is made by a process call nuclear Fusion. Nuclear Fusion is when two hydrogen molecules torn into a helium molecule. the life cycle of a star begins when is a stellar nebula to a sun-like star goes to a red giant to a planetary nebula to a white dwarf and black dwarf.      

Monday, October 17, 2011


Neptune is the 8th planet from the sun.
the distance from the sun to Neptune is about 4,446 millions km.
it mass is 17,151 kg.
Diameter is 49,500 km
Rotation 164.8 years                                            
Revolution: 164.8 years
Neptune has 13 moons
Neptune is a Jovian
 The planet is mostly water. The temperature is about -225°C. The atmosphere is mostly hydrogen (74%), Helium (25%)and Methane (1%). Its mostly made of water.
interesting facts about this planet is that it has a big dark spot that banish.
its named after the god of the sea Poseidon   

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Hurricane Irene Project

Critical Thinking

What time of the year do a hurricane occur?
Hurricanes happens during the period of June through November. It happens during this time because this is when in the north it gets hot and in the south its cold. So when a wind from both sides meet neer a warm water ocean  they  rotate on a cycle causing a lot if evaporation, precipitation, high winds and big waves. All at the same time.

How can the timing of the tides effect the divesting of a hurricane?
The tides rice the water witch makes more evaporation and and when the water precipitates the high tides make the water to accumulate and that causes over flows.

If  an area is fully saturated, will a hurricane have more or less impact on an area?
Yes, Because the  water will not  be able to go away. witch will cause many over flows and mudslides.

How does groundwater saturation affects rivers and streams?
Ground water is when the precipitation of  water is high, the water Will not be able to infiltrate so the water will run off to the rivers and like  hurricane Irene will cause rivers to overflow.


What is something that you liked about this mini-project?
Something that i liked about this mini-project is that we all learn one topic and then we teach each other a mini lesson.

What was difficult for you on this project ?
It was a little hard to learn  a lot of a topic in one day but we took notes so it wasn't hard to remember what we learn.

what would you change about your work on this project?
I will try to research as many details so me and my class mates will learn more.

How did this project help you learn about Hurricane Irene?
well I learn the reasons of over flows and the causes of a hurricane and the affects.