Monday, December 12, 2011

Geologic time - Brandon


At the Jurassic period the earth was still together forming Pangaea. their was abundance of dinosaurs. Their was also life of plants. at the end of the jurassic period their was minor mass of extinction.

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What did you enjoy most about this project?

  • I enjoy about this project was to build up the video.

What was the most challenging thing about this project? why?

  •   The most challenging thing of this project was to get all the information so when people watch your video they other stand. 

What you change about this project and why?

  • I wouldn't change anything because its a really well organise project were you are independent or work with a group.

What are 3 thing that you learn from this project?

  • I learn many periods o that earth went through 
  • I also learn that the earth was on hole continent 
  • I learn that their was many life before the man, and that theirs still animals that haven't extinct yet, like sharks and rays