Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Season Of The Earth

Tiltinclinar  (The earth on a angle of 23.5 degrees)
Axiseje (Is the top center of the earth, the earth rotates on its axis)
Polarisestrella polar (Is the star that the earth's axis point to)
Revolution revolución (Is the earth's movement around the earth)
Ellipse  elipse (Is the shape of the earth orbit around the sun)
Orbit órbita  (Is the road that the earth takes around the sun)
Equator  ecuador (Is a imaginary line that passes around the earth center)
Northern hemisphereel hemisferio norte ( Is the norther half of the earth that is separate by the equator) 
Hemisferio surel hemisferio suris (The southern part of the earth that is separate by the equator)
Summer- verano (Is one of the  4 seasons, when the earth gets direct sunlight on the northern hemisphere)  
Fall-otoño (Is the next season and we have it because the sun hits it strsaight to the equator
 so is not so hot and cold)
Winter- invierno (Is the next one that happens because the earth gets direct sunlight on the south so its not so hot in the northern hemisphere)  
Spring- primavera ( Is the next season that happens because the earth gets light directed to the equator) 
 Direct- La luz solar directa (Is when the sunlight hits a place)
Indirect sunlight- la luz solar indirecta (Is were sunlight doesn't hit a lot)  
  The earth rotates around the sun counter clockwise. so when the sun is in different places, we have different seasons. the earth is tilted 23.5 degrees. So when the sunlight is hitting the earth directly to the south causing the south to get hot, so it's the season of summer. and in the north doesn't get as much sun light so it gets cold and it's winter.so when the sun moves the next season is spring in the south and fall in the north, this is because the earth gets direct sunlight at the equator.and both hemispheres( northern & southern)  Is not cold and not too hot. and when the next season comes is summer in the north and again in the south its cold. Then in the next one will be spring in the south and fall in the north.

How is earth affected by movement?
 Earth is affected by movement in different ways.
in one way is it cause different season because the earth locates it self in different positions and getting sun light in different parts. it also cause lunar eclipses and solar eclipses.